BWFCST BOARD ELECTIONS (2020) – Information Update
- BWFCST Admin
- Trust Updates
Ahead of the recently announced elections, noted below are some important dates, especially for those who would like to put their names forward for election to the board.
Dates to Note
Anyone who wishes to put themselves forward for election will need to ensure that they are a member of the BWFCST by 14 February 2020. Existing members need take no further action at this stage and will be eligible to complete a Candidate Nomination Form, which is now available here. Completed nomination forms can be submitted to Civica Election Services, the independent election body appointed by the Election Management Group (EMG), from 17 February 2020.
The updated election timeline is as follows:
14 Feb ‘20 Registration closes for membership registration to stand as a candidate in the elections. Any member who wishes to submit a nomination form will need to be registered as a BWFCST member by this date. Existing members need to take no action at this stage as they are already eligible to put their names forward for election. Those who wish to stand for election but are not currently BWFCST members will need to join the Supporters’ Trust by this date.
17 Feb ’20 Nominations lines opened. Any member wishing to stand for election to the BWFCST board can now submit a completed nomination form to Civica Election Services from this date.
09 March ‘20 Registration closes for members to vote in the elections. Any member who wishes to be to vote will need to be registered as a BWFCST member by this date. Existing members need to take no action, but anyone who wishes to vote for a candidate but is not currently a BWFCST member will need to join the Supporters’ Trust by this date.
16 March ’20 Nominations close. All nominations from members wishing to stand for election to the BWFCST board will need to have forwarded their completed nomination form to Civica Election Services by 5.00pm on this date.
26 March ‘20 Civica Election Services will issue ballot packs and open the voting process. All members as at 09 March 2020 will be able to vote.
09 April ‘20 Voting closes
15 April ‘20 Results announced
An independent and responsible Trust can only help in securing the stability and sustainability of our beloved club and it is hoped that the new board members will be able to bring new ideas as to how such an aim can be achieved.
With this aim, it is therefore hoped that as many members as possible will seriously consider standing for election. If you have any questions at this stage regarding the election process or would like more information on what becoming a BWFCST board member involves, please contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.