Toughsheet Community Stadium, Burnden Way, Bolton


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BWFCST AGM 2025 Motions for Debate


Please find Motions for Debate ahead of the BWFCST AGM 2025 to be held 7pm Thursday 13th March 2025.

Voting is open to all BWFCST members.


Motion No 1

It is hereby resolved that subject to the provisions of section 4A of the 2014 Cooperative and Community Benefit Societies Act, the members of the Society shall not require an audit for the accounts covering the current financial year ending on the 31st of July 2024 when they presented to the next AGM held on the 13th of March 2025.

The members of the Society agree that the Accounts for the financial year ending on the 31st of July 2025 and for which reports will be laid before the following AGM do not require a full audit provided that:

  • An Independent Examination of those accounts is carried out in place of the full audit.
  • The independent Examination is carried out in line with the best practice of the FSA asset in the guidance notes.
  • A report from the Independent Examiner is included within the accounts and circulated to members.

The Society notes that:

  • The Independent Examination does not carry the same weight as a full audit.
  • The members of the society instruct the Board to identity a suitably qualified practitioner to undertake the review and shall agree the terms of that appointment in writing.

Proposed by:- BWFCST Board
Seconded :- Peter Holden


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Motion No 2

Amendment to Rule 59 of the current Model Rules For A Supporters Community Mutual (2014 Version) to extend the period for elected Directors to serve on the Board from 2 to 3 years. This is proposed primarily to:-

  1. Allow new Directors sufficient time to acclimatise to their duties before potentially stepping down from the Board of Directors.
  2. To give sufficient time for a rotation every two years of the three Officer roles of the Board of Directors (Chair, Treasurer and Secretary)

Proposed by:- BWFCST Board
Seconded :- Peter Holden


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Motion No 3

To update the Model Rules from the currently adopted Supporters Community Mutual (2014 Version) to the FSA 2022 Version and future update issued by the FSA.

This will allow the Trust to operate under Model Rules which reflect the most up to date regulations, including the use of digital communications, meetings etc.

Proposed by:- BWFCST Board
Seconded :- Vernon Nutall


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Motion No 4

Having secured funding from The Trafford Centre, together with the revenue from the sale of event tickets, the Trust continue to sponsor the Supporter of the Season Award, and, from time to time a special Life Time Achievement Award.

Proposed by:- BWFCST Board
Seconded :- Mike Gethin


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Motion No 5

Following on from the departure of Neil Hart who had presided over the selection of the Supporter of the Season Award I propose the following protocol is adopted.

The Nominations are collected, as in previous years, by the Trust. A Selection Committee made up of Phil Mason (acting CEO), Danny Scott (Supporters’ Liaison Officer), a Trust Board Member and a Supporters’ Trust Member. Members’ of the Trust to be invited to put themselves forward and a chosen by a secret draw. If the Selection Committee do not arrive at decision by simple majority the non-Board Member will have the casting vote.

Proposed by:- Alan Houghton
Seconded :- Harold Houghton


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Motion No 6

FYI The club are currently involved with a company called Charity Stars who seem to operate from Milan, Italy and a mail box in Chelsea, UK.

They run auctions of match worn memorabilia and then donate a portion to charity . In this case, BWiTC. Currently this is advertised as 5%. On top of the purchase price, buyers are required to pay a processing fee.

Motion No 6 Part 1

The BWFC Supporters Trust feel the Club’s association with Charity Stars paints BWFC in poor light due to the minimal charity donations made.

Motion 6 Part 2

Furthermore, we ask the Club terminate the partnership and look at alternative ways to make charity donations from player worn merchandise.

Proposed by:- Simon Nightingale
Seconded :- Shane Stopforth

Board comments on motion 6

The Trust Board approached the Club for their comment on the arrangement with Charity Stars.

The Club are satisfied their contract with Charity Stars is competitive with in what is available. Furthermore, Bolton Wanderers  in The Community are also satisfied that the funding generated by the current agreement is  beneficial to them.

The Club will as a matter of course review their best options at the renewal of the agreement with Charity Stars.


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Motion No 7

I would like to propose a motion for the AGM that the Over 75 Category applied to Season Ticket pricing be re-instated.

I am aware of the reasoning behind it to ‘bring us in line with other clubs’. However, I would respectfully like to point out the following;

I would have thought that what other clubs do should not affect the forward thinking of BWFC.

Also, removing the over 75 category is a Major disadvantage to the most vulnerable group of supporters, especially as age brings more infirmity on top of, in my case, severe disabilities and, we have had to try and survive a great deal longer on ever decreasing value of Pensions.

Therefore, as successive government policy has always been, always penalise those who can least afford to lose it.

Apologies if this seems cynical but I am afraid the ones who will lose out are those who can least afford it from any point of view.

Proposed by:- Dr Peter Green
Seconded :- Daniel John Bond

Board comments on  motion 7

The Trust Board do not dictate the ticketing policy of the Club but have approached them on behalf of the  member for their reasoning for no longer offering an Over 75 Ticket:-

Their research  found no other club offer a season ticket price class beyond that of over 65 that doesn’t offer that same price class for match-by-match tickets. It was/is their intention  to mirror their season ticket price classes with their match-by-match price classes moving forwards, as those in the over 75 category were saving much more against those who pay for over 65 match tickets.

The Club appreciate the price hike in year one does seem a lot compared to other price classes for the 2025/26 season. However, those over 65’s renewing for the 2025/26 season will pay no more than £9.09 if they purchase during the Early Bird window. The Club believe we are still offering unbelievable value to all our over 65s when purchasing a season ticket.

The Trust Board agree with the Club the Early Bird Ticket pricing does offer great value for money and is very competitive to others in League 1. The Trusts prime objective is the long term stability of the Club and the need for a sustainable income, whilst as fans want to attract the better, more expensive, players.


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Motion No 8

The co-opted members of the board should serve a period not exceeding 2 years without a break of at least 1 year. In the event Motion No 2 being passed, this will allow the now extended term board-members the opportunity to have a greater say in the direction of the trust without the ‘pressure’ of long standing board members’ continuing presence at meetings.

(Proviso- Current co-opted members to be allowed one more year co-opted IF no new board members are appointed this year)

Proposed by:- Simon Nightingale
Seconded :- Zac Owens

Board comments on motion 8

Whilst Acknowledging the Trust Board has included valuable co-opted members in the past there  are no Co-opted Directors sitting on the Board now . The rules do make provision for Co-opted Directors being invited onto the Board, either when they bring a skill or the number of elected Directors fall below  the level necessary to make up a quorum. The Board are in broad agreement with the motion, however, the suggestion the individuals carry undue influence is refuted by the Board who  would take this opportunity to assure members no undue pressure is brought to bear by anyone or group. The Board operates to the rules and guidance set out by the FSA Model Rules and Co-operative Society Act 2014.


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BWFCST 2025 Board Elections – Nominations Are Now Open

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Members who are interested in becoming involved in the Trust board will be able to submit their nominations from Thursday, the 9th of January.

If you would like to become part of the dialogue with the club on behalf of fellow BWFC supporters, please have a think about what you are able to contribute in the way of time and expertise. We welcome representation from as diverse a group of BWFC supporters as possible, so if you would like to become more involved in the dialogue process with the club, please consider getting involved.

Key skills and tasks relating to Board Member positions are referenced in more detail in the Board Membership and Conduct Policy.

The full election timings are noted below. If you have any queries, please contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.

The relationship between the Trust and the Club has improved year on year with the current owners including monthly meetings at which a wide ranging list of topics are discussed. Questions raised by Trust members are dealt with face to face with the both the Chief Executive and Chief of Operations.  In the past 12 months the Trust has had the opportunity voice the fans’ views on season ticket pricing, kit design, the Fanzone, match day transport etc.

The Trust has been at the forefront of the successful delivery of vast improvements in facilities for the disabled supporters. A close collaboration with the Club and the Trust’s affiliate the Disabled Supporters’ Association has seen the completion of the Accessible Passport scheme, the Changing Place Toilet, the Quiet Room, the Audio Descriptive Commentary. The refurbishment of the concourse toilets has commenced in the last few days.

We are not complacent and are always looking for new ideas and welcome representation from as diverse a group of BWFC supporters as possible.

Election Timeline

Any member who wishes to put themselves forward for election will be required to forward a completed Candidate Nomination Form, which is available on the BWFCST website. Completed forms should be forwarded to the Election Management Group on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  to be received before 5.00pm on Friday, 31 January 2025.

The election timeline is as follows:

09 Jan ‘25  Open nominations. Any fully subscribing member who wishes to stand for election to the BWFCST board can submit a completed nomination form to the EMG on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. from this date. Any member who wishes to register has until the 23rd of January 2025 to ensure they have paid their annual subscription.

30 January ‘25  Registration closes for members wishing to vote in the election. Any member who wishes to be eligible to vote will need to be registered as a BWFCST member by this date. Any member who wishes to vote has until the 30th of January 2025 to ensure they have paid their annual subscription.

31 January ’25  Close nominations. All nominations from members wishing to stand for election to the BWFCST board will need to have forwarded their completed nomination form by 5.00pm on this date.

06 February ‘25     Open voting process which is to be held by emailed ballot.

20 February ‘25    Voting closes.

27 February ‘25    Results announced.

All members are requested to ensure that their contact details held by the Trust are correct by clicking here. Please note that your username is your email address in full.
If you have forgotten your password please click the "Lost your password?" link.
If you have lost or changed your original membership email and cannot access your account please email your details to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and assistance will be given.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from BWFCST

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New year from BWFCST

Wishing all our members, their families, friends and the worldwide BWFC family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Onwards and upwards into 2025 and we look forward to seeing you in the Fanzone on Boxing Day to cheer the lads on to a hopefully exciting and successful 2nd half of the season!

If you know anyone who would like to join the trust and who isn’t already a member or who hasn’t yet upgraded their membership to annual status, please help us increase our numbers by using the following links:

Join BWFCST here.

Login and upgrade your account here.

23 December 2024

Your BWFCST Subscription May Be Overdue

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Our records show that many subscription payments to the Supporters' Trust may be overdue as it could be you have not converted your exisiting subscription from a one off payment to a regular annual payment.

We very much appreciate the support you have given us in the past but to continue our work both independently and in collaboration with the club, we need to raise more funds to cover our costs as the current subscription level is sadly insufficient to do so. Putting this into perspective, of the 6,386 fans who pledged to join the Trust during the dark days from 2015 and beyond only 900 are currently paying an annual fee of £10! This is obviously unsustainable and we would respectfully ask that you consider rectifying this.

The process is very simple to check and upgrade. Just follow the link here to upgrade to annual membership. Your username is your email in full. If you require a new password please follow the instruction on the page and you will be issued a new one:

If you find you have already updraded to annual membership, we thank you for your continued support.

In the immortal words from 'The Life of Brian' you may ask, 'what has the Supporters' Trust ever done for us?' If you are still hesitating to upgrade then let me list just some of our recent achievements:

- Initiating and recently renewing the ACV status on our Stadium which is now in place until 2027.

- Very strong and collaborative relationship with the club at both Executive and operational level.

- Campaigning to create the Fanzone and full involvement in the planning and execution.

- Instigating a fan vote for kit choice.

- Providing advice and input to the club on a wide variety of issues including Season Ticket pricing and launch.

- Developing the Bolton schools Season Ticket initiative with the club.

- Driving the improvement of the disabled facilities at the Stadium

- Significant input and influence with key football organisations and lobby groups including the FSA, Fair Game and Level Playing Field

- Board members asked to meet personally with Tracey Crouch for input into the Fan Led Review.

- Survey of our Trust membership on the FLR.

- Sponsorship of the Supporter of the Year award at the End of Season Awards.

Please click the links below to view our latest activities:

Come and see David Jack’s iconic 1923 FA Cup Winners Medal
Priority points reward scheme

We really do need your support so I hope you have been persuaded to make the conversion to full annual membership so that we can continue the good work.

Yours sincerely,

Terence Rigby Signature

Terence Rigby
Chair - BWFCST

Bolton Wanderers Supporters' Trust

Toughsheet Community Stadium, Burnden Way, Bolton BL6 6JW
Bolton Wanderers Supporters Society Limited: FCA Registration Number 7270


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