Come and see David Jack’s iconic 1923 FA Cup Winners Medal
- BWFCST Admin
- General Trust News
The BWFCST are proud to announce that a special piece of Bolton Wanderers history is now on display in the Main Reception at the Toughsheet stadium.
This is David Jack's winners medal from the first ever Cup Final at Wembley stadium in 1923. David Jack's grandson, Chris Jack contacted the BWFCST to see if there was any way he could send his grandfather's medal home, to be put on display as its centenary was passing. Ian Bridge handled all the discussions with Chris and BWFC and it was kindly agreed that Chris would loan the medal to BWFC, after getting the permission of other members of the Jack family. Now all that was needed was someone to go and collect the medal from Sydney, Australia. Alan Houghton volunteered for the task and the medal was handed over by Chris Jack and his brother, David in the Grand Hotel in Sydney.
In liaison with Neil Hart and Phil Mason, the display was put together and assembled, with great help and support from Michael Smith. The medal display has other memorabilia from that era, including Dick Pym's tankard and a fascinating back story to the man, the match and the medal. The display is open to visitors on match days, throughout August and September.