*Board Elections - Update from Election Management Group*
- BWFCST Admin
- Trust Updates
Bearing in mind the current uncertainty and anxiety associated with the worldwide Covid-19 situation, BWFCST board elections may seem to be low on the list of priorities.
As members will be aware, the election process has been running for the last few weeks with nominations closing last Monday (16 March).
The following is an update from the Election Management Group, which we are required to provide as part of the election process.
We have received confirmation from Civica, our independent election advisors, that four nominations have been received and validated.
As four positions were available, the four members who put their names forward will now take up a board position and there will not be a need for a members ballot to take place.
The four new board members are:
Robin Fletcher
Sue Higson
Will Jones
Paul Wood
Robin, Sue, Will and Paul will now join Paul Brown, Simon Nightingale and Mike Smith to form a board of seven.
It was intended to have the new board available to meet members at the AGM which was being scheduled for early May. However, due to the current Covid-19 situation, in line with Government advice, the AGM is now on hold until further notice, but this will not prevent the new members being in communication with each other, commencing as soon as possible and practical.
Thank you for your attention. Please stay safe and continue to follow Government advice during the anxious times ahead being faced by all.