Toughsheet Community Stadium, Burnden Way, Bolton


BWFCST BOARD ELECTIONS (2020) – Some Important Dates for Members

BWFCST BOARD ELECTIONS (2020) – Some Important Dates for Members

BWFCST Board elections are to be held during March/April 2020. In advance of the elections, noted below are some important dates for all BWFCST members to note, especially those who would like to stand for election to the board.

It is proposed that there will be a board constituted of seven directors. In accordance with the BWFCST Model Rules, two of the originally elected directors, Terence Rigby (current chair) and Maggie Tetlow will stand down. This leaves three serving board members remaining and results in there being four new board positions available to be filled.

Terence and Maggie will be able to put their names forward for re-election should they wish to do so. If they choose to stand for re-election, they will continue to provide a wealth of knowledge and experience of BWFCST operations if elected. If they decide to leave the board, they leave with the massive thanks of the members for the time, effort and passion for BWFC displayed over recent years, especially through the troubled period leading up to and including the administration process.

Election Timeline

Any member who wishes to put themselves forward for election will be required to forward a completed Candidate Nomination Form, which will shortly be available on the BWFCST website.

The election timeline is as follows:

14 Feb ‘20       Registration closed for members to stand as a candidate in the elections. Any member who wishes to submit a nomination form will need to be registered as a BWFCST member by this date

17 Feb ’20       Open nominations. Any member wishing to stand for election to the BWFCST board can submit a completed nomination form to Electoral Reform Services from this date

09 March ‘20  Registration closes for members to vote in the elections. Any member who wishes to be eligible to vote will need to be registered as a BWFCST member by this date

16 March ’20  Close nominations. All nominations from members wishing to stand for election to the BWFCST board will need to have forwarded their completed nomination form by 5.00pm on this date

23 March ‘20  Issue ballot packs and open voting

06 April ‘20     Voting closes

15 April ‘20     Results announced

An independent and responsible Trust can only help in securing the stability and sustainability of our beloved club and it is hoped that the new board members will be able to bring new ideas as to how such an aim can be achieved.

It is therefore hoped that as many members as possible will seriously consider standing for election to the board. Further election details will be announced in the near future.

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Bolton Wanderers Supporters' Trust

Toughsheet Community Stadium, Burnden Way, Bolton BL6 6JW
Bolton Wanderers Supporters Society Limited: FCA Registration Number 7270


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