BWDSA Constitution
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Part One: Principles
Article 1: By this amended constitution, the members shall formally re-establish the Bolton Wanderers Disabled Supporters Association, henceforth referred to as BWDSA Updated to better reflect the 19 years that have passed since the original version was written and the multiple operational changes that have taken place since. Any previous versions of the constitution or articles thereof are hereby declared invalid.
Article 2: BWDSA shall have as its tasks the maintenance and advancement of good relations between Bolton Wanderers Football Club and its disabled supporters, the improvement of amenities for such supporters and any other objective which the committee deems appropriate to adopt.
Article 3: All members of BWDSA shall, at all times, have a responsibility to uphold the good name of Bolton Wanderers Football Club and BWDSA and be subject to the Rules and Regulations thereof.
Article 3a: No member of BWDSA can be a member of any opposing group, with opposing principles and ambitions and retain their membership of BWDSA.
Part Two: Membership
Article 4: BWDSA shall consist of two forms of member:
- members of the committee, in accordance with Article 5, and
- ordinary
Article 5: The committee of BWDSA shall consist of a minimum of six members and a maximum of nine members. The exact number to be decided by the committee, depending on the prevailing circumstances. Excepting the position of Chairperson, in accordance with Article 6. Such members shall
- serve for a term of three years, and
- on expiration of this term, be entitled to stand for re-election in accordance with Article 6, and
- act as Chairperson for a period of one year in rotation with the other BWDSA committee members in accordance with Article 5 d),
- the BWDSA Committee members will select the Chairperson by unanimous decision at a BWDSA management meeting.
- Any member wishing to join the committee must be co-opted by the committee and serve a probationary period of a minimum of six months, before being considered for election.
- Participate in and contribute to working groups within Bolton Wanderers Football Club, considering the best interests of all BWDSA members.
Article 6: Any election or re-election, to the committee of BWDSA, shall take place, without exception, at an Annual General Meeting. Any member is entitled to stand for election, or re-election, provided
- he/she has been a member of BWDSA for not less than twelve months prior to proposal, and
- he/she has been proposed and seconded by existing BWDSA members, in writing, to the Secretary, not less than fourteen days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
Part Three: The Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Article 7: The Annual General Meeting, henceforth referred to as the AGM, shall take place once every year on a date chosen at the discretion of the committee, all members of BWDSA over the age of 18 being entitled to attend subject to Article 8. Each BWDSA committee member will provide a report of their activities and the Treasurer will produce independently audited accounts.
Article 8: All members shall receive notice of the AGM by letter, email or a notice affixed to the BWDSA noticeboard not less than fourteen days prior to the AGM Production of each members membership card shall be required, without exception, to gain entry to the meeting. Notwithstanding anything in this Article, any disabled member shall be entitled to be accompanied by another person, whether or not such person satisfies the conditions contained herein.
Article 9: Any member of BWDSA attending an AGM is entitled to vote therein. Any disabled member, accompanied by any person who is not a member of BWDSA shall be obliged to inform such person that he/she is not permitted to partake in any voting procedure.
Article 10: The voting procedure shall
- ordinarily consist of a show of hands by those members in attendance of the AGM, or
- at the request of a majority of those members in attendance of the AGM, by a secret
Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs a) and b), a simple majority decision of all members in attendance of the AGM shall determine all issues voted upon.
Article 11: Any member of BWDSA wishing to raise items for discussion at the AGM shall be obliged to notify the Secretary, in writing, not less than fourteen days prior to such meeting. Any item raised contrary to this procedure may, at the discretion of the committee, be ruled out of order.
Part Four: Removal and Resignation of Officers
Article 12: The removal of the committee, or any individual member(s) thereof shall be ineffective unless invoked by a majority vote of no confidence at a special general meeting which has been called for that reason alone, in accordance with Article 13.
Article 13: The Secretary of BWDSA shall be obliged to call a special general meeting for that purpose alone, upon receipt of
- a request for such meeting, in writing, where
- such request states the complaint(s) against the committee, or any individual member(s) thereof, and
- the request has been signed by not less than 45 members of
Article 14: Upon the resignation by any member of the committee, the committee shall have the authority to appoint, at its discretion, a replacement member who shall continue to serve for the remainder of the term of the resigning member.
Part Six: Participation of Members
Article 15: All members of BWDSA shall be encouraged to contribute to, and participate in the running of the association where reasonably practicable. In particular, all members shall
- be encouraged to formulate any complaint(s) or suggestion(s) in writing, for the attention of the The aforesaid complaint or suggestion shall be given full consideration by the committee in the light of all the circumstances.
- be encouraged to organise any reasonable form of social activity which has the support of a substantial part of the membership of BWDSA
- be encouraged to raise funds for BWDSA
At all times it shall be remembered that BWDSA belongs to, and operates for the benefit of, its members.
Part Seven: Future Reform and Repeal of the Constitution
Article 16: The Secretary of BWDSA shall be obliged to call a special general meeting for the purpose of any future reform or repeal of this amended constitution, upon receipt of
- a request for such meeting, in writing, where
- such request states the proposed reform or reason(s) for repeal, and
- the request has been signed by not less than 45 members of
- any such request for reform or repeal shall be deemed invalid, unless supported by a qualified majority vote, of no less than 75%, of those members present at the special general meeting.
Part One: Principles
Article 1: By this amended constitution, the members shall formally re-establish the Bolton Wanderers Disabled Supporters Association, henceforth referred to as BWDSA Updated to better reflect the 19 years that have passed since the original version was written and the multiple operational changes that have taken place since. Any previous versions of the constitution or articles thereof are hereby declared invalid.
Article 2: BWDSA shall have as its tasks the maintenance and advancement of good relations between Bolton Wanderers Football Club and its disabled supporters, the improvement of amenities for such supporters and any other objective which the committee deems appropriate to adopt.
Article 3: All members of BWDSA shall, at all times, have a responsibility to uphold the good name of Bolton Wanderers Football Club and BWDSA and be subject to the Rules and Regulations thereof.
Article 3a: No member of BWDSA can be a member of any opposing group, with opposing principles and ambitions and retain their membership of BWDSA.
Part Two: Membership
Article 4: BWDSA shall consist of two forms of member:
- members of the committee, in accordance with Article 5, and
- ordinary
Article 5: The committee of BWDSA shall consist of a minimum of six members and a maximum of nine members. The exact number to be decided by the committee, depending on the prevailing circumstances. Excepting the position of Chairperson, in accordance with Article 6. Such members shall
- serve for a term of three years, and
- on expiration of this term, be entitled to stand for re-election in accordance with Article 6, and
- act as Chairperson for a period of one year in rotation with the other BWDSA committee members in accordance with Article 5 d),
- the BWDSA Committee members will select the Chairperson by unanimous decision at a BWDSA management meeting.
- Any member wishing to join the committee must be co-opted by the committee and serve a probationary period of a minimum of six months, before being considered for election.
- Participate in and contribute to working groups within Bolton Wanderers Football Club, considering the best interests of all BWDSA members.
Article 6: Any election or re-election, to the committee of BWDSA, shall take place, without exception, at an Annual General Meeting. Any member is entitled to stand for election, or re-election, provided
- he/she has been a member of BWDSA for not less than twelve months prior to proposal, and
- he/she has been proposed and seconded by existing BWDSA members, in writing, to the Secretary, not less than fourteen days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
Part Three: The Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Article 7: The Annual General Meeting, henceforth referred to as the AGM, shall take place once every year on a date chosen at the discretion of the committee, all members of BWDSA over the age of 18 being entitled to attend subject to Article 8. Each BWDSA committee member will provide a report of their activities and the Treasurer will produce independently audited accounts.
Article 8: All members shall receive notice of the AGM by letter, email or a notice affixed to the BWDSA noticeboard not less than fourteen days prior to the AGM Production of each members membership card shall be required, without exception, to gain entry to the meeting. Notwithstanding anything in this Article, any disabled member shall be entitled to be accompanied by another person, whether or not such person satisfies the conditions contained herein.
Article 9: Any member of BWDSA attending an AGM is entitled to vote therein. Any disabled member, accompanied by any person who is not a member of BWDSA shall be obliged to inform such person that he/she is not permitted to partake in any voting procedure.
Article 10: The voting procedure shall
- ordinarily consist of a show of hands by those members in attendance of the AGM, or
- at the request of a majority of those members in attendance of the AGM, by a secret
Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs a) and b), a simple majority decision of all members in attendance of the AGM shall determine all issues voted upon.
Article 11: Any member of BWDSA wishing to raise items for discussion at the AGM shall be obliged to notify the Secretary, in writing, not less than fourteen days prior to such meeting. Any item raised contrary to this procedure may, at the discretion of the committee, be ruled out of order.
Part Four: Removal and Resignation of Officers
Article 12: The removal of the committee, or any individual member(s) thereof shall be ineffective unless invoked by a majority vote of no confidence at a special general meeting which has been called for that reason alone, in accordance with Article 13.
Article 13: The Secretary of BWDSA shall be obliged to call a special general meeting for that purpose alone, upon receipt of
- a request for such meeting, in writing, where
- such request states the complaint(s) against the committee, or any individual member(s) thereof, and
- the request has been signed by not less than 45 members of
Article 14: Upon the resignation by any member of the committee, the committee shall have the authority to appoint, at its discretion, a replacement member who shall continue to serve for the remainder of the term of the resigning member.
Part Six: Participation of Members
Article 15: All members of BWDSA shall be encouraged to contribute to, and participate in the running of the association where reasonably practicable. In particular, all members shall
- be encouraged to formulate any complaint(s) or suggestion(s) in writing, for the attention of the The aforesaid complaint or suggestion shall be given full consideration by the committee in the light of all the circumstances.
- be encouraged to organise any reasonable form of social activity which has the support of a substantial part of the membership of BWDSA
- be encouraged to raise funds for BWDSA
At all times it shall be remembered that BWDSA belongs to, and operates for the benefit of, its members.
Part Seven: Future Reform and Repeal of the Constitution
Article 16: The Secretary of BWDSA shall be obliged to call a special general meeting for the purpose of any future reform or repeal of this amended constitution, upon receipt of
- a request for such meeting, in writing, where
- such request states the proposed reform or reason(s) for repeal, and
- the request has been signed by not less than 45 members of
- any such request for reform or repeal shall be deemed invalid, unless supported by a qualified majority vote, of no less than 75%, of those members present at the special general meeting.