BWDSA News July 2024
- BWFCST Admin
- BWDSA News
Hi everyone, I hope you have all got over Wembley and are looking forward to the new season and cheering the lads on.I want to take the opportunity to give you an update on the progress BWDSA continues to make.Before that lets remind ourselves of how far we have come in the past 18 months as published in the BWDSA Newsletter which was as a result of a number of people working together. From the BWDSA there were 6 people Myself, Karen Farnworth, Stephen Parry, James Storey, Kayleigh Orell and Stewart Ball working closely with 2 members of the BWFCST who I am pleased to say will continue to work with us this coming season.
The next stage of the continued development of the BWDSA is to increase its membership and to achieve this it was agreed that the formation of a new committee was required. I am pleased to say that an Interim committee has been set up with the previously mentioned 6 people having formed that, with the continued support of the 2 members of BWFCST one of whom is also a member of the BWDSA. to facilitate this a new Constitution ( a copy of this will be sent to you in a separate message )
has been drawn up and shared with BWFC senior personnel.
The committee will make the start and you will see in the constitution that there are 6-9 places available for committee members so over a period of time there will be the opportunity for more people to get involved should they so wish, we will also require extra people to help in any working group that the committee sets up to continue the progress and strengthen the voice of the BWDSA.
The constitution will show everything you need to know about the running of the BWDSA and future election process.
We are all proud of the achievements made to date and are looking forward to a positive future for our organisation. If you have any questions please direct them to myself This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.