Toughsheet Community Stadium, Burnden Way, Bolton




The BWFCST board would like update its members on various issues and to seek members’ feedback on current matters at the club.

Membership Fees

At our AGM on 29 September 2016, we raised to matter of membership fees. We advised that we were exploring alternatives relating to future fee structures for individual members.

At a board meeting held on 20 October 2016, it was unanimously decided to implement the following:

• With immediate effect, renewal of membership subscriptions will be waived. As a consequence, all existing individual members who have already paid the initial £10.00 subscription will not be required to pay an ongoing annual subscription.

• Any new members will still be required to pay a £10.00 subscription to cover issue of a share certificate and associated administration costs. However, no further subscriptions will be required and the initial payment of £10.00 will effectively be viewed as a joining fee.

We find ourselves in a position to extend this initiative to our members due to the excellent progress made over the recent months in negotiating sponsorships and partnerships and in the fundraising events held to date. Whilst it is envisaged that this arrangement will be a permanent feature, as a prudent measure, we will review on an annual basis.

The free U16 membership and annual corporate membership subscriptions will continue as before,
voluntary donations will still be welcomed, of course!

Trust Zone

At the AGM, we also raised the idea of establishing a TrustZone facility to cater for members before home games. The facility will be based in the USN Bolton Arena and we are now pleased to announce that this will be trialled for 3 games before the end of 2016. The first TrustZone will be on Saturday 29 October 2016, before the Port Vale game, then on 19 November (Millwall) and 31 December (Scunthorpe).

It is intended to open doors at 12.15pm, with admission on production of BWFCST membership card. Non-members will be able to join on the day. Bar and refreshments will be available and we are currently looking to provide pre-match entertainment in the form of some classic archived Wanderers games.

We are still finalising details, but we will inform members over the next few days. Watch this space.

There will be Trust board members in attendance and available to chat in an informal environment.

Meet the Board

Finally, as discussed at the AGM, we are looking to recruit additional Trust board and Trust working group members. As mentioned at the AGM, it is intended to have an opportunity for anyone interested in putting themselves forward for involvement in any way to meet the existing Trust board members. We are proposing to hold such an event prior to the TrustZone on 19 November 2016, commencing at 10.15am. Again, further details will be released to members leading up to the event.

As usual, we would welcome any comments and feedback from members on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Bolton Wanderers Supporters' Trust

Toughsheet Community Stadium, Burnden Way, Bolton BL6 6JW
Bolton Wanderers Supporters Society Limited: FCA Registration Number 7270


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