Statement From The BWFCST Board
- BWFCST Admin
- Trust Updates
The newly installed board would like to update the membership on recent developments.
Date for AGM
We would like to confirm that our first AGM will be held on Thursday 25th August 2016. Arrangements are currently being finalised but we would like members to save the date in their diaries. Further details will be announced very soon and we hope as many members as possible will be able to attend to meet us in person and share views.
Members Packs
Members packs containing membership cards and share certificates will be issued in the very near future.
We have found your communications to us through online surveys to be very helpful and, whilst there is no substitute for direct communication, we will continue to sample the opinion of the membership on what concerns you about the club and what improvements you would like to see. Armed with such information and the depth of our membership we hope to persuade the club to listen to the fan’s voice. Please continue to use the surveys and thank you for your help so far.
It is the intention of the BWFCST board to continue to monitor events at BWFC. We intend to be in a position to react to any future changes at the club and to contribute constructively in whatever manner possible for the benefit of BWFC. The BWFCST’s purpose is to act as a voice for the loyal BWFC supporters to ensure the stability and sustainability of the club in the short, medium and long term.
The history of BWFC ownership has been one of the most stable in the league over the years. Owners will, no doubt, come and go in the future and this is the modern reality of football club ownership. It is the intention of the BWFCST board to ensure that the supporters have as large a say as possible in our club’s governance in the days, months and years to come.
The establishment of the BWFCST will be a long term project. We hope that a steadily increasing membership will play as big a part as possible in this project and we undertake to utilise membership surveys, meetings, board working groups and dedicated focus groups to ensure that all members have the greatest opportunity available to become involved. If you wish to contribute please contact any member of the board on the email addresses displayed on the web site.
Thank You
We thank all members and those associated in moving the BWFCST from an idea in principle in January to where we are at the end of July. At the start of the new season we all share the same hopes for progress to be made in improving our club and are optimistic that Phil Parkinson, given the right backing, will bring success. We thank you sincerely for your support and encouragement to date and let’s keep working together for the greater good of Bolton Wanderers Football Club.
Come on you Whites!