Joint statement from the Community Trust and the Supporters’ Trust
- BWFCST Admin
- Trust Updates
After recent discussions with the Community Trust regarding the ongoing difficulties surrounding staff wages and a subsequent meeting yesterday, it has been collectively decided that a more practical solution is needed to deal with the current distress being experienced by staff as a result of unpaid wages.
The Community Trust has been humbled and overwhelmed by the outpouring of goodwill together with massive levels of donations of both funds and provisions from all over the country and have been in regular contact with the BWFCST during this process and also during previous incidences of non-payment of wages and wish to place on record their heartfelt thanks for offers of assistance from the Supporters’ Trust.
Questions have been asked about why there seems to be some difficulties in administering such generous offers of assistance. The simple answer is that both the BWCT and the BWFCST are regulated by the FCA. Those regulations place strict conditions, which must be complied with, regarding the use of such resources. Please rest assured that we are collectively continuing to look at ways of assisting in the current situation.
We are all in this together and will continue to find solutions by sticking together and assisting Phil Mason and his team wherever possible in continuing their community work.