BWFCST Q&A - Meet the Trust Team
- BWFCST Admin
- Trust Updates
After the success of the recent online AGM format, we received many requests for more such events.
As it has been such a long time since the Trust team have been able to meet members and answer any questions, a Q&A session via Zoom was organised and took place on 25 March ‘21.
Many topics were covered, together with the announcement of the first two BWFCST Affiliates from Argentina and Norway. Welcome to both!
Any further questions that you would like to ask the Trust team that were not addressed on the evening can be sent on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thanks to all who attended the event and we hope that it gave an insight into the way the Trust team are working to help secure a stable and sustainable future for OUR club. Enjoy!