Toughsheet Community Stadium, Burnden Way, Bolton


BWFCST - New Date for AGM

BWFCST - New Date for AGM

The first BWFCST AGM, which was originally scheduled for 25 August 2016, will now take place at 7.30pm on Thursday 29 September 2016.

The meeting has been rescheduled to allow for the holiday period to end and also due to the fact that an early AGM is not now required in order to approve a fully constituted board.

The rescheduling will also allow more time for further administrative procedures to be progressed. These include the establishment of several working groups to deal with the various aspects of the BWFCST’s role in representing the fans as the club moves forward in the short term.

It is intended to give as much information as possible at the AGM with regards to allowing the members to have the greatest say possible in the development of their Supporters Trust.


The AGM is to be held in the Platinum Suite and entry for members will be by free ticket. Further details will be available in the near future.

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Bolton Wanderers Supporters' Trust

Toughsheet Community Stadium, Burnden Way, Bolton BL6 6JW
Bolton Wanderers Supporters Society Limited: FCA Registration Number 7270


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