Breaking News!
- BWFCST Admin
- Trust Updates
We are pleased to announce that Neil Hart will be joined by Ian Evatt as special guests at our upcoming AGM on 02 February ’23.
This BWFCST members only event will be available to attend in person or online.
The evening will be held in the Platinum Suite, University of Bolton Stadium and will start at 7.00pm.
After the formalities of the AGM, Ian and Neil will take part in a Q&A, hosted by Jack Dearden at which those trust members present will be able to put their questions to the duo.
If you would like to submit a question in advance that you wish to be answered at the Q&A session of the AGM then please contact us at ✉️ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Questions will need to be received by 5.00pm on Friday 27 January.
Please note we do not propose to use online questions on the evening, so if you are not attending in person, you should forward questions to us before Friday, which is also the deadline for registering any motions that you wish to table for members voting on the evening.
The AGM is open to all full BWFCST members. If you wish to attend the AGM and are not yet a member of the BWFCST, please click here to join us 👉 https://www.bwfcst.co.uk/join-the-trust
Members will be emailed separately with instructions and a link to either register to attend in person or to view online. We look forward to seeing as many of our members as possible!
Thank you for your support!