Fan-Led Review Survey Series 5
- BWFCST Admin
- Surveys
In the 5th in our series of Fan-Led Review surveys, we would like to give you the opportunity to register your views on how an Independent Regulator for English Football (IREF) can
become involved in improving equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in clubs.
The Fan-Led Review was published on 24 November ’21 and can be viewed in full by clicking here.
Recommendations contained within the FLR are intended to address the following:
a. “The incentives in the game are leading to many clubs with fragile finances which were further exposed by COVID-19.”
b. “Many clubs are poorly run, with reckless decision making chasing an illusion of success and a disconnect between the interests of fans and owners.”
c. “Regulation and oversight of the game at the domestic level is not up to the challenge of solving the structural challenges and specialist business regulation that will be needed.”
The BWFCST were involved in the consultation stage of the FLR and continue to contribute through involvement with the FSA and Fair Game.
In order to effectively represent our members views, the following is the fifth in a series of surveys which will give you the opportunity to register your views on the full list of 47
recommendations contained in the FLR document. Each survey will remain open for 7 days to give every opportunity to let us have your views.
The fifth in the series will cover the three recommendations under the sub-heading:
“Football needs to improve equality, diversity and inclusion in clubs with committed EDI Action Plans regularly assessed by IREF.”
We would like to ask all our members to complete the latest in our series of surveys (which should each take only a couple of minutes of your time) and register your response
to each of the recommendations. By doing so will it allow us to identify our members’ priorities when it comes to focusing on the progress of the FLR through the legislative
process and to effectively represent your views.
Click here for FLR5 Survey
If you haven’t already upgraded you subscription to annual, could you please do so by clicking here.
Thanks for your support!
29 Jan 2022