The Fight Is Far From Over
- BWFCST Admin
- General Trust News
Football experienced a true 'watershed' moment this week when twelve of the most powerful clubs in the world announced that they were to form a European Super League. Such is the arrogance of many club owners these days that they doubtless thought it was a done deal and would be meekly accepted by all involved. Fortunately for the beautiful game, what ensued was one of the biggest revolts in sporting history. It was when Goliath took on David and lost.
Although opposed by all sections of society and even by the Government who said they would do anything necessary to prevent it, the deciding factor was surely the overwhelming response of the fans who made their views very clear. The universal opposition to this forced clubs into a massive U-turn as one by one they pulled out leaving the ESL plans in tatters.
This has been a huge wake up call for the footballing community with awareness of a scheme that would have left all but the wealthiest and most powerful clubs impoverished if it had been allowed to proceed. The good thing that has come out of this though is the launch of the long-awaited Government fan-led review which will be a thorough investigation on all matters of football governance including ownership and financial models and will put fans at the heart of its deliberations. The FSA, of which the BWFCST is an active affiliate member, have issued a statement welcoming the Government’s action after years of merely talking about the review. The FSA statement can be read by clicking here.
Supporters' Trusts and Associations across the country have worked tirelessly for years in conjunction with the FSA to push for the governance of football to be properly scrutinised. Many clubs have suffered enormously as a result of bad owners and lack of oversight on how they are run and some have sadly ceased to exist, so we are delighted that this review is finally underway.
This however is just the beginning of the battle and we need your help and support to continue the fight and take a proactive role in the debate and how any future legislation is shaped. To do this we need you to act to ensure that you are fully paid-up members of your BWFCST by reinstating your annual subscriptions or by joining for the first time by clicking here.
Your support is more essential now than it has ever been. If you are in any doubt, take a leaf out of Andrew's book!
Thank you for your support!
25 April 2021