Exciting BWFCST Website Updates for the New Year
- BWFCST Admin
- General Trust News
We hope that you, your family and your friends (whether BWFC or not!) are enjoying your festive break.
By way of an update, we would like to advise that we are working on redesigning our website to give our members a more interactive platform. As part of these works, we will also be updating the members database to enable us to provide you with the most up-to-date online benefits and technological features. In order to do this, we will soon be getting in touch with members individually to confirm that all contact details are correct and up to date.
This is ahead of the forthcoming board elections (further details to be announced soon).
We look forward to 2020 with more hope for the future of our great club and will continue to explore how we, as loyal BWFC supporters, can contribute and be more involved in that future.
Enjoy the festive games and here’s to the New Year! COYW!!