BWFC End of Season Awards 2024
- BWFCST Admin
- General Trust News
BWFCST was again pleased to sponsor 'Supporter of the Year' at this years End of Season Awards event, and 'wow', what an unbelievable list of candidates we had too.
From supporters who travel the length and breadth of the country week in, week out on public transport to get to games, to supporters who go above and beyond to help their fellow fans to support our beloved club.
Some of the stories were heartwarming and very humbling, which again made the decision extremely difficult.
After much deliberation and long discussions, we along with the club, arrived at a 'top two' who were then both invited to the awards night as our special guests. Paul Rushton who lives in Bolton and is an extremely popular supporter within the local community and received numerous nominations for the great work he does promoting and supporting the whites. He came with his son, Alfie, along with Stephen Horrocks, another popular supporter who formed the Lancaster Whites some 25yrs ago and is renowned for his work in organising coaches for both home and away games to enable supporters north of Bolton to get to games. He, too, brought his grandson. Josh for a night they won't forget
Mike Smith (board member), along with Lisa and Paula from Bolton at Home (our sponsors), were on stage to present the award to the winner of this year's Supporter of the year to Stephen Horrocks.
After sifting through the hundreds of Nominations, it became apparent that a number of supporters do and have gone above and beyond for BWFC over the years without much recognition for the work they do. We felt it would be appropriate to add another category to this yearly event to cover this. So we introduced a 'Lifetime Achievement Award'. The one person who stood out this year for this inaugural award was Ruth Crawshaw.
Ruth has been a staunch Bolton supporter since the early 1950s, only missing a hand full of games until this season were ill health has meant her visits to the Toughsheet have been limited, (although she still purchased her season ticket).
Her neice, Corrine and her partner Craig were also our guest at Saturday's event and came up to receive the award after Vernon Kay told the hushed audience the unbelievable lengths Ruth has gone to to support her beloved club.
It really did round off another fantastic night for the club, players and supporters alike.