An Evening with the Euro Squad
- BWFCST Admin
- General Trust News
Just 2 weeks to go until we welcome back Kevin Davies, Ricardo Gardner and Nicky Hunt to the TCS for what will be a special night of BWFC memories.
The auction items available on the evening will also be a bit special and well worth a bid!
As well as the Q&A with Kev, Bibi and Nicky, there will be a comedian and a hot supper. The event is open to our younger supporters with those over 14yrs welcome to attend.
The VIP tickets have now sold out, but you can still get hold of £40 tickets by visiting www.bwfcst.co.uk/shop.
We hope to see you there, so please make sure you don’t miss out and buy your tickets now!
Let’s do this together!
Thank you for your support!